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Reverse Auction and Spend Analysis Solutions from Help Cut Procurement Costs by Up to Twenty-Five Percent Across State Government

October 15, 2011

ProcurePort e-Sourcing On Demand, a full-service strategic sourcing consulting and solutions provider, announced that it is helping Companies reduce procurement costs as much as twenty-five percent. These initial results demonstrate early success in a program that is designed to help Companies save $35 to $70 million each year on a $700 million annual spend.

ProcurePort was selected by Memphis City Schools to help with a state initiative to reform procurement and cut costs. ProcurePort has been working shoulder-to-shoulder with the Memphis City Schools team to analyze all aspects of their spend and implement reverse auction strategies, tactics and processes designed to reduce both hard and soft costs. They believe the initial success is a testament to a holistic approach that delivers value at all stages of the sourcing cycle and to the team’s unyielding commitment to the success of the program.

Since the initiative, ProcurePort and the Memphis City Schools have worked closely together to define and roll out components of the procurement reform program including the implementation of Reverse Auction Software. By providing services that help the School District analyze and consolidate spend, streamline RFP creation, improve supplier sourcing practices, reengineer business and supply chain processes and re-negotiate contracts, the company is helping the schools reduce spend on all purchases—from cleaning supplies to clothing, cafeteria services and supplies, information technology hardware and more.

About ProcurePort

ProcurePort e-Sourcing On Demand provides strategic sourcing consulting services, solutions and software tools that help clients around the world, in both the commercial sector and federal and state government, achieve unparalleled success in sourcing and procurement initiatives. The company’s comprehensive, full-service business model leverages international strategic sourcing expertise, a global network of service providers and suppliers and powerful on-demand tools to help clients reduce their overall spend throughout the supply chain and realize a rapid return on investment (ROI).